Sunday, 1 January 2012

Nerdy New Years Resolutions

First of all I'd like to wish everyone out there a very happy new year! I hope that 2012 will be made of awesome for all of you.

In the past I always used to make New Years Resolutions that were pretty damn easy to keep and while I used to be good at it, in the last couple of years I've failed miserably to fulfil them. This year however, I now have a blog and with various different anime and manga related things I wish to do, I figured that maybe by posting my resolutions here and potentially blogging about them, it might actually help me stick to them. So here we go, lets see how many I actually manage to stick to!

  • Finish series one of Gintama and start series 2.
  • Re-start and then finish Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn.
  • Make a sizeable dent in the backlog of Detective Conan I still have to watch. I'm not going to say get up to date because I'm still 400+ episodes behind.


  • Blog more than I have been in the previous few months. With 25 Days of Manga and 12 Days of Christmas I proved that I am capable of regularly updating, so I aim to try and keep some of this momentum going and maybe aim for 2-3 posts a week.
  • Finally get my series of posts on youkai up and running. I've had the ideas plotted out in my head for a while, just need to actually get to doing them.
  • Re-watch both Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullemtal Alchemist: Brotherhood and blog about them.

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